Monday, May 12, 2014

Nautical Club

One of the benefits of being in a Stampin' Up Club is that you get your hands on the "new stuff" before it's available in the catalogue. This project is a 3x3 notecard 'box' made from the Stampin' Up Envelope Punch Board. If you don't have one yet, BUY ONE NOW. They are truly versatile! I made the 3x3 box with the help of this handy dandy tool from 'The Crafty Owl', an English demonstrator's genius invention. You key in the dimensions of the box you want to make, and it will throw out the dimensions and score lines. Brilliant!

 I love, love, love this nautical paper, so fun and summery! And the matching set "Sea Street" is the perfect accompaniment. I made a quick and easy belly band to hold the box closed, and added the new Coastal Cabana twine. Isn't it fab?
 Inside the box are 3 little notecards, all using the same stamp set and paper. I love it!

This is a very clean and simple idea, showcasing the fabulous product which I'm sure you can't wait to get your hands on ;) June 1st is the date ....