Wednesday, May 21, 2014


A quick post, it's way past my bed time! My friend Heide showed me a card by Dawn Griffith while we were chatting at work. It's quite a simple, but effective idea. You make a card 11" x 4 1/4", but you slice the top off the front to make a sort of half-card. Decorate the edge with pretty punched out shapes and hey presto! One of our colleagues got engaged at the weekend so this is for her. I hope she likes it.

Stamps : Flower Shop, Petite Petals & Perfectly Penned
Ink : Smoky Slate, Pink Pirouette
Cardstock : Shimmery White, Pink Pirouette, Smoky Slate, Silver Glimmer Paper
Accessories : Flower & Heart Punches, Rhinestones, Heart embossing folder, pink ribbon