Monday, March 14, 2016

More Fancy Folds

I made two 'fancy fold' cards today. The first, on the left, is another type of Z-Fold and the card on the right has everything going on inside!

This is the classic "Z-Fold" card made using the Have a Cuppa paper stack and the photopolymer set A Nice Cuppa. 

The second card is very plain on the outside, but the inside is where everything is happening!

I popped the cup from A Nice Cuppa up on a tab. Love this inside of this card.

Stamps : A Nice Cuppa
Ink : Wisteria Wonder, Daffodil Delight
Cardstock : Shimmery White, Wisteria Wonder, Have a Cuppa Paper Stack
Accessories : Big Shot, Cups & Kettle Framelits, Bakers Twine, Dimensionals


  1. This is so beautiful! How did you make the pop-up on the 2nd card? Is it a Big Shot die?

  2. Both cards are fantastic. Great use of this set and Framelits.

  3. Emma, these are so nice! I love them both!
