Sunday, August 10, 2014


Each member of the Creative Crew for August was given a day to post a challenge, mine falls this week and it's to make a WINDOW CARD.

Window cards can really be made in a variety of ways. You can cut a frame on the front of your card, punch a hole, use a framelit with an interesting shape to make a hole, or window. Honestly, the sky's the limit.

Here are a few samples to whet your appetite to make a WINDOW CARD. If you'd like to play along, all the details can be found here: AUGUST CREATIVE CREW CHALLENGES.

Thanks to my sweet, kind, lovely friend DEBRA. She made a few samples too ....

I love her card. That new lace background stamp looks like wallpaper, and the trees from Lovely as a Tree are shimmering behind the sitting room window. Snow is falling too .... and look at the lace blinds. Wow. My gorgeous friend is hugely talented. Thanks Debra!

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