Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you spent your Christmas with those closest and dearest to you ~ I always get horribly home-sick on Christmas Day and yesterday was no exception. I miss my mum and dad dreadfully, as well as my lovely Big Sis who I haven't seen since the summer. But they know if I could be with them I would, and that's all that matters.

Well, mum, this post is for you ~ I think mum decided to play a mean trick on the Fewkes family yesterday. She put a jigsaw in our stocking and made it one of the hardest puzzles we've ever done. 1000 pieces of a cartoon 'English' scene ... a London street actually with a full complement of English coppers, red buses and even a red post box!

Well, this photo is to prove to mum that ... yes, we did finish it in one 'go' ... even if none of us got to bed until after 1am. Even Roy couldn't walk away from the darn thing! What fun!!!!

And secondly, I want to share something with you all. My sister, Sarah, is an amazing quilter. A lot of people don't understand the skill in actually putting fabrics together in a way which brings something quite ordinary into the realms of extraordinary. Well, Sarah has that skill, and actually, probably too much of it!!! Her work is truly awe inspiring. Quilting is a lot like card making so between us, we have both crafts covered! Anyway, what do you think of this tea-pot cosy? I, honestly, didn't believe her when she told me she made this out of old blankets .... it is just gorgeous, and almost too good to put over a teapot. Take a look for yourself. I love how the little applique pieces look like they've come straight out of the new SU mini catalog! We have some stitched felt called 'sweet pea' which could easily be sewn right onto this tea cosy and not look out of place!

Sarah, this is my most treasured Christmas gift, not because of the expense, but because somewhere in your crazy frantic world, you didn't find time, but you MADE time to make this gorgeous gift just for me. Love you!


  1. Thank you, little sis ... love you too and missing you loads. Sxxx

  2. Fabulous gifts Em! The tea cozy is a work of art! Truly beautiful.
