Sunday, February 15, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

We drove down to Montpelier, Ohio yesterday to collect Sarah's new pet ... a hedgehog called Fitzwilliam Darcy (after Mr Darcy in Pride & Prejudice). Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen? We all love him already! Sarah's going to have so much fun caring for him. We were so busy playing and driving yesterday we didn't find time to stamp (gasp) but today will be a different story .... tee hee.


  1. He is just too cute!!! Congrats on the new family member.

  2. ADORABLE!! What a sweet pet! My oldest was thinking of a hermit crab (YUCK!) last year...I hope you'll have stories to share at the Mingle.

  3. Very cute and cuddly looking. How could you not love a face like that!

  4. OMW! I did not know you could get these in the states--how cute is Mr Darcy?! I hope he has a better personality than his character!

  5. OMGosh Emma, he is adorable. They are such funny looking creations. Let's you know for sure God has a sense of humor. tee hee
