Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Photograph Album

I wanted to sneak another post in today ... I made a small photo album for my aunt as a thank you for having us at Kate & Mathew's wedding. I made a thank you card but it just didn't seem enough so I thought of making a small album for her to slip into her purse. You know how EVEYRBODY asks you for photos when you've just had a wedding! It turned out so prettily that I thought I'd share the instructions with you here.

Firstly, I thought I'd give you a link to the company I buy my cellophane bags from. They're the perfect size to slip a standard card into and they double up for this purpose too. They're from GT Bag Company here. Thanks to Susie for finding these! We got the ones measuring 4 5/8" x 5 3/4" and they work beautifully.

Chocolate Chip cardstock was cut to 7 1/4" x 5". I cut 2 pieces, one for the front and one for the back. I then scored each piece at 5/8".
Take however many cellophane pages you require and place them onto the back page, so the flap end is in line with the left hand edge of the album. Place the other piece of cardstock on the top and punch two holes for your Jumbo Eyelets. I used a Crop-O-Dile which made the job easy! Once the Jumbo Eyelets are set, you can thread your ribbon through, mine is Mellow Moss 1/4" grosgrain.
Now it's just a question of decorating your album as you want. Mine was done with a mat of Very Vanilla underneath a piece of Mellow Moss which was stamped with Bella Blossoms in the same colour ink. I then made a monogram with Kate & Mathew's initials using the set Together Forever. The initials are from a set from Papertrey Ink. Some half pearls from the pretties kit finished it off nicely. Hope you like it!


  1. I am sure your Aunt will LOVE this for her purse! You know how moms love to show off their kids especially wedding pictures!TFS

  2. Beautiful!!! your aunt is going to love it.

  3. What an amazing thank you!!! This is awesome - love the big eyelets and the fantastic colors! Thanks for the link for the bags too!!
    hugs, Jami

  4. This is beautiful! I love how you stamped the roses in the back ground and the initials in the pretty circle! Its very elegant!

  5. This book turned out beautifully! I think this is a great gift, and anyone would be thrilled to receive it! Great job!
