Tuesday, October 7, 2008

H&M Stamps, Coffee's Brewing

Good friends of ours, Troy and Justyna, were just telling us that they're planning on buying a coffee grinder and French Cafetiere ~ so my brain started to work and I went to search out H&M Stamps' new set, Coffee's Brewing! I put together a mini pizza box which is the brainchild of Jen del Muro ~ her instructions are here ~ and I filled it with a glassine box full of coffee beans (the smell is just delish!). This little box is very easy to put together and you end up with a 4"x4" space for your gift ... people have been making them for gift cards, home made cookies, jewellery (sorry American friends, that's the English spelling!). They're going to be a 'go to' gift box for me this Christmas! Here's the recipe:

Stamps: H&M Coffee's Brewing
Cardstock: Very Vanilla, Close to Cocoa, Chocolate Chip
Ink: Palette Burnt Umber
Accessories: Copic markers for colouring, Ribbon, Scallop Punch, Ticket Punch, Coffee Beans, Glassine Bag.


  1. such a fantastic pizza box filled with very aromic coffee (I bet!) I love the smell of fresh ground coffee beans.

  2. Emma, what a beautiful blog you have!!! Where have I been? I love your pizza box and coffee gift -- how very clever!!! And CONGRATS! on being on the H & M Team (I guess I live in the dark, for sure!) All your work is so beautiful. Glad to see you had a good trip to England and I also LOVE the pink sac you made several posts down!!! I'll be back!!!

  3. Ohhh FABULOUS! This is a wonderful giftidea. TFS!
