Saturday, October 11, 2008

H&M Challenges

Good Morning ... I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Fall weekend. Today Heather has posted 2 H&M Challenges, and I've combined both the Sketch challenge (HMSC17) and the Colour Challenge (HMCC14). I'm going to be away all day Saturday on the SCS Michigan 'Mini' Mingle in Lansing. Can't wait to see all my Splitcoast stamping buddies again ~ so I'm writing this on Friday afternoon in the hopes that blogger will automatically post this for Saturday morning! If all goes according to plan, you'll be seeing this in the early hours of Saturday!
I used H&M's set, Coffee's A Brewing (here) which I absolutely LOVE! I stamped the coffee machine and coloured it with Copic Markers ... then added the sentiment on the bottom. The rest of the layout is quite plain, but I like it that way! The colours for the challenge were Vanilla, Brown, Burgundy and Green. I put a spot of green on the coffee cups and I used SU retired ribbons in burgundy and green. Take a trip over to Heather's blog and have a go. If you upload to Splitcoast, then use the keywords HMSC17 and HMCC14 so we can all see your creations. Enjoy your weekend!


Stamps : H&M Coffee's A Brewing

Cardstock : Naturals Ivory, Cranberry Crisp, Chocolate Chip

Ink : Palette Burnt Umber

Accessories : SU retired ribbons in True Thyme and Cranberry Crisp


  1. Great card and image! I love how you tied the ribbon, and these colors are great - I think I may try to play along!!
    hugs, Jami

  2. Emma this is so darling, love it. great use of this weeks sketch and color combo. Love it.

  3. Great card. I love the colors. Another beautiful creation.

  4. Love this Emma! what a fun set and you used wonderful colors on this!

  5. I really do like this set and the card you made with it!
