Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Challenge

Phew, it's Friday, we've made it to the end of another week! I visited a friend yesterday whose boyfriend just moved in with her. She's very happy and smiley so I thought I'd send them a 'welcome' card as he's from out of state. It just so happens that the challenge over on SCS today is to make an unusual shaped card. I used my new 'boards and beams' set from Nichole Heady at Papertrey and stamped it right up to the fold on the left, leaving plenty of space to cut around the house. I'ts quite small but quite effective! I coloured with Copics and added a small sign above the door.
I have a cool story for you ... when I was a child, I went to an all-girls boarding school in England (Americans think that only naughty children get sent away, but in England it's quite an accepted practice, although expensive ~ sorry mum and dad!). Anyway, my sister and I went to a boarding school in Yorkshire called Hunmanby Hall. I had a very dear friend there called Mandy Witty, in the 5th and 6th form we shared a room and we were very close. Mandy's parents lived in Spain so she spent a lot of time visiting my parents in Suffolk and we were all very fond of her. Anyway, as time went on we all lost touch with Mandy. I half-heartedly tried to get in touch with her over the years but the last time I heard about her, she'd moved to America to be a nanny. I had no idea how to find her! So, remember that it's been 22+ years since I've seen her ... her family live in Spain, mine in England ... so quite geographically scattered. Out of the blue, my sister e:mailed me saying Mandy had 'found' her and had asked if she could have my e:mail address. My sister then added that Mandy still lived in America. That's all the information I had. During the week, I wrote a long e:mail telling her all about my life over the past 20 years (most of it made my hair curl!!! I have quite a colourful past!) and off I sent it with my married name, address and contact details, a few photos were added for good measure. So Mandy opened my e:mail at 10.30 last night and scanned down it to my address.
Now you will not believe this but it turns out she lives just 20 miles away from me!!! She immediately picked up the phone and we chatted for ages about our schooldays and our families. But honestly, what a small world. For 2 English teenagers to come from a boarding school in Yorkshire ... travel half way across the world and both end up within 20 miles of each other in America ... quite unbelievable ~ and thrilling! Mandy gets Wednesdays off work ... so guess who I'm meeting up with next week? I am so totally EXCITED!
Why not try to hook up with an old friend today, you'll be amazed who you can find. Thank you Mandy for making the effort to find me ...

1 comment:

  1. Emma, not only is this a wonderful card, what an exciting story! I am so happy you'll be able to meet your school chum. I am sure you will have tons of fun catching up on all that has happened in your lives! Truly, relationships are so much more important that any material things!
